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Fourth Sunday in Lent. Laerte week beginning March 27, 2022

Writer: revroyasrevroyas

Fourth Sunday In Lent (Laerte Sunday) Week Devotional Guide (John Doberstein reprint of German Devotional book)

Theme: The Bread of Life

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.””John 12:24

Psalm for the Week: 122

Sunday Lessons:

Old Testament - Isaiah 55:1-7 or Isaiah 52:7-10

Epistle Lesson - Galatians 4:21-5:1

Gospel Lesson -John 6:1-15

Weekday readings:

M. John 6:22-29 Exodus 16:2-7, 13-15

T. 1 Kings 19:1-8 John 6:30—31

W. Mark 12:28-34 Mark 12:41-44

T. John 6:47-59 John 6:60-65

F. John 11:47-55 2nd Corinthians 4:7-14

S. John 8:21-30 John 11:17-41

Prayer of the Week:

O God, merciful an everlasting, who didst not spare thine own Son but gavest him up for us all, that he, the true bread of life, might feed and refresh us; grant, we beseech thee, that we may receive him gladly and thus be strengthened in every peril and saved to all eternity; through Jesus Christ our Lord.. Amen.


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